Our Local Governing Committees (LGC's) offer strategic guidance rather than getting involved in the operational aspects of a school.  They:

  • Hold senior leaders to account, ensuring that they provide the best education for the children, and ensuring that the curriculum, quality of teaching and the outcomes are the best that they can be.
  • Provide assurances to the Trust that the above is as expected.
  • Provide advice to the Trust Board about the strategic direction of the school and how to make best use of the resources the school has available to them.

The relationship with the school's leadership team involves challenging existing processes to drive school improvement.


Activities include:

  • Undertaking training in the role.
  • Attending meetings of the school LGC, usually outside of school hours.
  • Reading reports and papers and keeping up to date on the progress that the school is making.
  • Visiting the school from time to time during the school day to monitor, ask questions, and become informed.

All Governors must have:

  • A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children.
  • The inquisitiveness to question and analyse.
  • The willingness to learn.
  • Good interpersonal skills.
  • Appropriate levels of literacy in English (special arrangements can be made).
  • Sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data.


Governors usually attend meetings throughout the academi year.  Although becoming a Governor requires drive and commitment, you'll enjoy many professional and personal rewards, including career development opportunities and the chance to support our children's futures.  The role of school Governor can be demanding, but is very rewarding.


There are 3 formal meetings a year (Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1).

There are 3 further meetings to pull together monitoring and evaluation reports and to discuss key areas of development (Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2).

All Governors will have  a link title which is aligned with their skills sets and interests, including Chair, Vice-Chair, Headteacher Appraisal and Wellbeing, Curriculum, English, Maths, Safeguarding, SEND & Vulnerable Groups, Prevent, Online Safety, EYFS, Wellbeing, Christian Distinctiveness, Worship, RE & SMSC (Spiritual, moral, social and cultural), Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Attendance, Finance, Premises & Health and Safety.  Governors work with senior and middle leaders throughout the year to fulfill monitoring requirements.